
Posted on Wed, Nov 10, 2021 科技趣聞

我記得好幾年前有過飛機杯連動某影片平台/遊戲,但早期呢啲嘢缺乏通用性,離開指定嘅平台好難用得到。但乘着Kiiroo Titan減價,我買咗隻返來玩,發覺丞相大人世界變了。平咗、開放咗,好感動。

Kiiroo - Titan 智能充電式無線揺控震動飛機杯

Kiiroo - Titan 智能充電式無線揺控震動飛機杯是一款帶有3組共9個強力馬達的無線揺控式飛機杯。3組震動器分別設置在上中下三個不同位置,意味著它能按摩你不同的部位。預設了4種震動模式和3段強弱調較。 ...

係github發現一個開源嘅midware,可以把唔同protocol嘅藍牙飛機杯/震動棒……等等所有fucking toys統一曬啲API,然之後方便開發,唔再需要個別開發,只要基於套API開發就會適用套midware API 支援嘅所有fucking machine。

Buttplug: Sex Toy Control Software

Buttplug is an open-source standards and software project for controlling intimate hardware, including sex toys, fucking machines, and more. Just want to know how to use apps with Buttplug? Skip the pitch and check out our Tutorial! Features Implemented in Rust, within bindings for C#, JS, and other languages.

應用可以分為四類。最簡單係script editor,自己寫震動嘅pattern,然之後自己享受;


VIRO Playspace

VIRO Playspace provides the world's first sextech synced VR experiences where touch is encouraged, playfulness is required, and privacy is guaranteed.






  1. 安裝Koikatsu(廢話)
  2. 安裝BepInEx,倒落koikatsu條path就得(如果你係nyaa.si之類嘅地方下載嗰啲整合包,基本上已經包咗,可以skip)
Releases · BepInEx/BepInEx

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  1. 安裝intiface Dekstop負責控制連線,之後打開Server,但唔好連接。
Intiface Sex Tech Software

Intiface Desktop works on WINDOWS 10, LINUX, AND MACOS ONLY. WINDOWS 7/8 IS NOT SUPPORTED AND MAY CRASH. Intiface Desktop is an open-source, cross-platform application that acts as a hub for sex hardware access. It can be used with programs such as: Why do I need Intiface Desktop?

  1. 用藍牙連接你嘅飛機杯。
  2. 打開Koikatsu,去Plugin settings,搜尋 Love Machine,打開,跟住揀返你隻杯,同調整一下啲設定。
  3. Go fuck!

最後補兩個鏈結,第一個係可以睇晒唔同嘅fucking machine對buttplug嘅支援性:

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An index of all known sextech.


