Webauthn - Resident Keys:簡介與實作 username-less 登入

Posted on Fri, Dec 2, 2022 科技趣聞 NodeJS/Deno


點解會寫呢篇呢,因為我見cloudflare出yubikey coupon,查咗下資料發覺不經不覺webauthn已經支援到usernameless了,意味你只需要條key登記係賬號下面,就可以免打任何資料,Boom,登入咗。呢篇會儘量簡單(真係好簡單)啲講成件嘢點work,安全性,以及以最方便嘅usernameless(resident keys)嘅實作。


iOS Client - FIDO Alliance Certified Showcase

Close this module FIDOアライアンスの最新情報はここからサインアップ FIDO関連のニュースをメールのInboxで受信可能です このフォームを送信することにより、FIDO Alliance, 401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600, Wakefield, MA, 01880, US, http://www.fidoalliance.org からのメールを受信することに同意したことになります。また、各メールの下部にある配信停止リンクを使用することで、いつでもメールの受信に対する同意を取り消すことができます. Close this module Sign up for updates! Get news from FIDO Alliance in your inbox. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive communications from: FIDO Alliance, 3855 SW 153rd Drive, Beaverton, OR 97003, US, http://www.fidoalliance.org.


How to Use Passkeys in Google Chrome and Android

To make sure it's really you, you'll need to unlock your phone or computer, which on a phone usually means entering a PIN code or letting your face or fingerprint get scanned. On computers, passwords may still be used to verify your identity, but the industry is moving toward biometric authentication all the time.

Passkey其實係on device 嘅fido2/webauthn,可以方便地直接進行passwordless/usernameless嘅登入,而不需要真實嘅硬件(你電話就可以直接auth)。

(蘋果唔使問,只要最新版本一定兼容,而且sync with icloud keychain)

Desktop嘅話,either Chrome or Safari都一樣支援嘅,唔使擔心。我實測咗Google

Crhome 同 Safari 嘅 passkey,Android/iOS上面測試Passkey影片係最後面。當然因為始有平台gap,所以都有試買yubikey。


Buy YubiKeys at Yubico.com | Shop hardware authentication security keys

Yubico.com is the source for top-rated secure element two factor authentication security keys and HSMs. Buy YubiKey 5, Security Key with FIDO2 & U2F, and YubiHSM 2. Made in the USA and Sweden.




  1. 2FA 登入(需要帳號密碼)
  2. 免密碼登入(只需要帳號)
  3. 免用户名稱登入(有key就登入到)

而當中2FA登入本身係算OTP 2FA延伸,純粹加強你賬户嘅安全。而免密碼登入和免用户登入實際上係由驗證器/Authenticator(係呢度通常係yubikey 或者 ios嘅keychain之類) issue一個非對稱加密嘅組合。

source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/公开密钥加密#/media/File:Public_key_encryption_alice_to_bob.svg

一組非對稱加密嘅keys分別由private key同public key組成,由private key加密嘅內容只可以用 public key解密,反過來講用public key加密嘅只可以用private key解密。所以,只要首次溝通嘅時候,A預先把一組public key send俾B,咁之後就可以確保B收到並能正確用public key解密嘅文件,係的確來自正確嘅A先生(不考慮private key外泄然後被盜用情況嘅話)。


而2和3嘅免密碼同免埋用户名稱登入嘅最大分別係,前者只含public key交換嘅部分,只能確保該request來自對應嘅驗證器。而在後者免用户名稱嘅當中規範咗套嘢叫discoverable cert / resisdent key,溝通過程會可以保留用户嘅唯一ID之類unique metadata係驗證器上面(Yubikey 5代只有25個slots儲存,ios/chrome就……cloud囉),可以sign埋呢user unique ID一齊使得可以消滅埋username。


Resident Keys and the future of WebAuthn/FIDO2

Nick Steele December 17th, 2019 (Last Updated: December 17th, 2019) As the year draws to a close, we continue to see WebAuthn and the FIDO2 framework hitting important milestones within the community. With the WebAuthn API now being supported in iOS 13.3, the protocol is now effectively supported in all major browsers and their mobile counterparts.

Cisco有呢個explain咗Resident Key(usernameless/無用户名登入)嘅Registation,基本上就喺上面嘅嘢。而係實作上,大嘅部分分為兩大部分,分別係註冊條keys,同埋登入時候嘅驗證。

WebAuthn APi本身而家主流瀏覽器都支援了,只係原始嘅api比較多tricky嘢,所以都會pack性libary用,你可以根據你用嘅language search一下就有。而我下面呢個例子係基於simplewebauthn原本non-resident / 冇密碼登入 /passwordlress改出來的,


  1. Client/驗證器嘅呢邊發起請求,request 包括challenge在內嘅options params。
  2. Server 傳回,並附帶伺服器已經儲存咗嘅keys提醒用户唔好重複創建(if any)。
  3. client 獲得base option + challenge 之後,會問用户unlock keystore,驗證完ok之後,加入discoverable cert(加入user.id、user.displayname、等metadata)用private key sign完打包,向server 請求。
  4. server接收到之後,驗證完整性(包括challenge是否正確、origin是否一樣等)之後,用 user_id作key,把public key和user嘅metadata 儲存起來,並回傳。
  5. client收到正確嘅嘅singal後,顯示成功嘅提示。

跟住login/auth 嘅流程會係:

  1. client/驗證器問server 拎 params(包括challenge),server回傳。
  2. client拎到之後會問用户unlock keystore + 揀相應嘅cert/user_id,無問題嘅話就會sign 然後回傳 server。
  3. server收到之後檢查一輪,確認的確係呢個user嘅話,就回傳對應用户嘅登入所需嘅token(例如jwt之類)
  4. Client收到,go auth。



另外我本身係firebase為主,所以亦整咗個firebase functions嘅server side 同 angualr用嘅class:


Resident Keys and the future of WebAuthn/FIDO2

Nick Steele December 17th, 2019 (Last Updated: December 17th, 2019) As the year draws to a close, we continue to see WebAuthn and the FIDO2 framework hitting important milestones within the community. With the WebAuthn API now being supported in iOS 13.3, the protocol is now effectively supported in all major browsers and their mobile counterparts.

What is WebAuthn?

WebAuthn is a new W3C global standard for secure authentication on the Web supported by all leading browsers and platforms. WebAuthn keeps you safe online WebAuthn makes it easy to offer users a choice of authenticators to protect their accounts, including security keys, and built-in platform biometric sensors.


A demonstration of the WebAuthn specification

Demonstration of the WebAuthn specification.
