[MAGISK][Android 11-]隱藏三點式導航列

Posted on Sat, Jan 30, 2021 科技趣聞 Android Sony

其實我原本用FNG好開心,直到Android 11後,原本用於隱藏導航列嘅overscan API被移除。但幸好,non-root冇辦法嘅話,root咗仲有辦法嘅,透過magisk嘅module,修改prop仍然可以隱藏。噉所以首先與裝個magisk先。



或者你把手機型號加上magisk google,通常就有教學。而整個過程不外乎:

安裝Prob Config


下載成功後reboot,跟住安裝 Termux。


Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager. Read the wiki to learn more Secure. Access remote servers using the ssh client from OpenSSH.




props qemu.hw.mainkeys 1


Fluid Navigation Gestures - Apps on Google Play

Requires ADB, root or supported device* Give fresh new look to your phone with Fluid N.G, the navigation gestures app inspired by Breccia's concept. Usage There are two main gestures: 'Quick swipe' and 'Swipe & Hold' which can trigged from the bottom or side edges of the screen.


Hiding the 3 dot navigation bar on android 11 [root]

So for those who like to use 3rd party gesture navigation apps like myself you probably found yourself sol on android 11 because you can't hide the 3 button nav bar. Well with root you can. What's needed Onto the steps. switch nav to 3 button nav in settings.